Jay Harris is Cpt. LoadTest

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Brian Genisio has organized a monthly lunch for the local development community around Ann Arbor, Michigan. The event, held on the third Thursday of every month, will be an opportunity for developers to get together, network with colleagues, talk about what is cool or what is in the way in day-to-day development efforts, and have a good time socializing at lunch. A Google Group has been set up for more information, and will serve as the primary method of communication.

The first Ann Arbor Nerd Lunch will be held next week, noon on Thursday, December 18th, at the Mahek Indian Cuisine restaurant in downtown Ann Arbor. The plan is to change the meeting place every month to accommodate different taste buds, but to keep the meeting time consistently on the third Thursday.

Ann Arbor Nerd Lunch - Google Group
Thursday, December 18th, Noon

Mahek Indian Cuisine - Map
212 E. Washington Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

Please RSVP on the Google Group, so that proper table sizes can be planned.

For every meeting, you are encouraged to bring a friend. For this first meeting, you are challenged with bringing someone who does not normally attend community functions, such as local conferences and user group meetings, yet is interested in getting involved. Help get Ann Arbor Nerd Lunch off the ground. Also, come with some ideas for the group. Should it stay casual? Should "special guests" be brought in to help start conversation? This is an event for the community, and the goal is to make a lunch that is beneficial for everyone. It should be a great time.

I'll see you there.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008 8:56:03 AM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #    Comments [0] - Trackback

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