Jay Harris is Cpt. LoadTest

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Screen Hunter 4.0 Free - www.wisdom-soft.com
Screen Capture Tool
Cost: Free

Quite possible the most essential task for any tester is taking a snapshot of the current screen to give their developer a visual representation of the logged error. The classic Windows hotkey, [Alt] + [PrtScn], will take a screen capture of the entire active window. However, sometimes the text on a link is spelled wrong, a button uses the wrong icon, or an error message displays in the wrong style; in these scenarios an entire screen grab is overkill and often confusing. Yet there are few things that a tester can do about that short of opening up MS Paint or Macromedia Fireworks and cropping the image, completely wasting valuable time and causing pointed comments from the Project Manager about diddling in Photoshop.

Screen Hunter 4.0 Free allows you to capture the important pixels quickly and effortlessly. Tap F6 (The default hotkey, but it can be modified), and your cursor changes to a cross-hair. Click-drag a box around whatever you want to capture, and it’s done. Instantly cropped screen capture for your bug-tracking pleasure.

The developers will be happier, too.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 2:46:01 PM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #    Comments [1] - Trackback

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 9:19:44 AM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)
I can use this programe
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