Jay Harris is Cpt. LoadTest

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Filed under: ASP.Net | Events | MVC

On Tuesday, February 23rd, I will be leading the jam session for Come Jam With Us, the software developer study group in Ann Arbor. The session will be on ASP.NET MVC, and aims to give attendees enough of an introduction to the product to empower developers to be able to start coding their own ASP.NET MVC 2 projects. Like all of the Come Jam With Us sessions for the winter/spring of 2010, it will be held at the offices of SRT Solutions in Ann Arbor at 5:30p.


You will need few things for ASP.NET MVC 2 application development and to complete this exercise. Please complete the following prerequisites prior to the session, otherwise you likely will spend the hour downloading and installing rather than coding.


Due to weather, the original February 9th meeting was cancelled. This session is rescheduled for Tuesday, February 23rd.

Sunday, February 7, 2010 11:45:36 PM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #    Comments [2] - Trackback

Thursday, April 4, 2013 9:13:48 AM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)

Now that you have you're high-concept idea, make sure it's really as fresh and innovative as you think it is. Research the idea on the Internet to make sure it isn't a preexisting movie. You may know a lot of films, but you probably don't know all of them. Thanks.
Thursday, April 4, 2013 9:14:09 AM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)

Now that you have you're high-concept idea, make sure it's really as fresh and innovative as you think it is. Research the idea on the Internet to make sure it isn't a preexisting movie. You may know a lot of films, but you probably don't know all of them. Thanks.
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