Jay Harris is Cpt. LoadTest

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Filed under: Testing

When testing .Net web application forms that use postback, it is always a good idea to leave the form and come back. Postback is when a page refreshes or submits to itself; generally, identified by the pre- and post-submit URL being the same page. Often times, the status of the form fields is saved in the .Net ViewState after a submit, rather than retrieved from the database. You might have checked the “Display me” checkbox and clicked submit. The “cached” version from the ViewState says that this control should be checked, so when the page reloads, it is. However, the value may have not been saved to the database, so when the value is loaded from the DB, the box is not checked, but you would not have known since the ViewState version was used. When testing, to make sure you are getting the actual values and not the “cached” counterparts, make sure you leave the page and come back.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 2:37:22 PM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #    Comments [0] - Trackback

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